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New To Septic Systems? 3 Rules To Make Sure You Follow

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If you have recently purchased a house with a septic system and you've never needed to mess with one before, then you are charting in new territory. Septic systems need to be property maintained in order to keep your home's plumbing in good working order. In order to do this, you need to follow three simple rules:

1. Limit Your Use of the Garbage Disposal.

While there is nothing wrong with using your garbage disposal, it doesn't hurt to limit its use. There are many things that should not be put into the garbage disposal, including solids and grease. Grease does not break down like regular food and has the ability to quickly create build-up inside of the entire plumbing and septic system. When an excessive amount of waste collects inside of the septic tank, it can result in the need for much more frequent septic cleaning. While cleaning the septic tank isn't necessarily a bad thing, doing so too frequently can cause the entire system to malfunction.

2. Avoid the Use of Harsh Drain Cleaning Chemicals.

Inside of your septic system, bacteria – good and bad – can be found. Bad bacteria should be kept out, while good bacteria should be kept in. When you purchase and use drain cleaning chemicals from over-the-counter, good bacteria can often be destroyed. In order to keep a healthy septic system, you need to get the good bacteria back. This can quickly and easily be done by adding a package of brewer's yeast each month.

3. Watch Your Water Usage.

If you lived in an apartment or condo, you may not have had a limit on the amount of water you had to use each month. However, if you are on a septic system, you will need to start thinking about your daily, weekly and monthly water usage. Among the many reasons that a septic system becomes overloaded is due to too much water usage. Try lowering the amount of water that you use on a regular basis by having low-flow faucets, showerheads and toilets installed. Try not to do all of your laundry on Sunday and instead doing laundry when you have a full load ready. This will help to ensure that an excessive amount of water is not entering your septic tank within a short span of time. This will essentially help it operate more efficiently.

For more advice on how to keep your septic system running efficiently, consult with a septic professional. Also, you should have your septic system inspected by an expert on a regular basis, in addition to regular pumping and cleanings. For more information, contact a business such as River City Septic & Excavating.
